
nike coats If you're lucky enough to own a treadmill, walking or running are both effective calorie burners. According to the American Council on Exercise, walking and running can burn up to 9.7 and 17 calories per minute, respectively, depending on your body weight. Even if you don't own a treadmill, you can walk or run stairs if you have them. Other top calorie-burning exercises you can do at home include jumping rope, dancing, following an aerobics DVD or good old-fashioned calisthenics.

Strength Training

Strength-training also burns lots of calories -- up to 9.8 per minute, according to the American Council on Exercise. So classic weight-lifting exercises like chest presses, dumbbell rows, biceps curls and triceps extensions are a great way to strengthen, tone and slim your body at home. nike t shirts Kettlebells are even better: According to research sponsored by the American Council on Exercise, working out with kettlebells doesn't just strengthen several major muscle groups at once -- it can also burn more than 20 calories per minute.

Body Weight Exercises

If you don't have weightlifting equipment, don't worry, you can still shape up with body weight exercises like pushups, planks, squats and lunges. Although this is a broad category, it's worth exploring; any exercise that requires you to maneuver your body through space is great training for everyday movements.

Often Overlooked

Although you won't find stretching on many other "Top 10" lists, nike pants this often-overlooked aspect of fitness still deserves a place in your workout. After all, stretching reduces your risk of injury, encourages better posture, helps you relax and can even soothe sore muscles. So take a few minutes after any workout to stretch the muscles you've worked -- your body will thank you.


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